Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wednesday 23rd March 2011 - I spy a cat

Tday I saw a cat yes a real furry fluffy cat, OK so it was on  a leash but it was still a cat, stop laughing, in the mad capped place that's so interesting called Bangalore I haven't seen a cat anywhere, there are tons of dogs, cows, goats and even a few chickens but no cats, then I spied one early this morning in a house across the road from the flat.

Visual pollution:  this city abounds in it, I have never been in a city with so much visual pollution and I am not taking about neon al la Las Vegas - I’m talking about shop flyers and advertising signage, movie posters and large sized billboards. They even have advertising signage on Don’t Park here signs. It’s everywhere, on gates, lamp posts, power poles, hoardings, vehicles and even entire houses with their walls converted into billboards. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone soon thought of using the hundreds of cows roaming the streets here as mobile bill boards, it will a subject I will investigate with my cameras tomorrow.
Yesterday we finalised the trip away with NICC and I spent the day teaching out there, I hope they are learning something from me, I have slowed down my presentations and speech to let them understand me with my thick kiwi accent. The trip will be around the state over three days looking for pictures in the various national heritage sites and historical towns in the Western Ghats area – that mountains to us outsiders. The students at NICC are really talented so I will have my work cut out but it should be fun.
We also undertook a class shot for the Momentum 2011 show the school is hosting in April which I am proud to be speaking at, it was a lot of fun collaborating with students there on the final design of the photo and then we walked through the upcoming trip, concentrating on what they would see and what were my expectations from them. All this in the stifling 35+ heat as the power had failed due to a brownout and we were stuck in the room without fans or ac, a hot day which affected the fat guy more than he will admit.

Below are a combination of photos taken by Vino John and the students of our flash and follow focus AI Servo workshop, hey stop laughing I'm hardly eating at all and its really worrying the landlady who tries to feed me every day and yet I seem to be getting bigger, I'm annoyed with my shape today so i'm working on it.

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